
To pass the course, you merely need to complete enough of the weekly exercises.

Exercise points

Each programming exercise and quiz in each part is worth a number of exercise points. You can find a list of all the exercises in a specific part by clicking the "List of exercises in this part" menu on the index page of that part. You can see your current exercise points total by clicking the blue blob in the bottom right corner of any page in the course material. The percentage in the "Total points" section for each part is the critical one for passing the course.

Grading guidelines

The grading of the course is based on completing the exercises. Every course week is scaled to be worth of 1/8 of the total points of the course. To be eligible to pass, you must additionally earn at least 25% of the points from every week. Weekly exercise sets have different amounts of exercises but the workload of every week is tried to be planned to not vary too much.

All exercises have only one deadline: Sunday 27th October 23.59.

Attending any lectures or support sessions is not mandatory.

Programming exercises can be difficult to solve and everyone needs help sometimes. If you face difficulties, please ask for help.

You can earn in total 1 point from each week, so the maximum amount of points from the course is 8. For example, week 1 has 29 exercise points, so if you complete 26 exercises, your points from that weeks are 26/29=0.897. Week 2 has 26 points, so if you complete 14 of them, your points from that week are 14/26=0.538. Then your weekly points will be added together (0.897+0.538+....+[points of the week 8]) and divided by 8. The total course grade is calculated on the following scale (which equals to rounding the result of [your point score] - 3 to the nearest integer):

Grading scale

Total points Final grade
[7.5-8] 5 (Excellent)
[6.5-7.5) 4 (Very good)
[5.5-6.5) 3 (Good)
[4.5-5.5) 2 (Satisfactory)
[3.5-4.5) 1 (Sufficient)
[0-3.5) Fail