


A certificate generated for a student to provide proof that they have completed a given course module.


Name Type Default Nullable Children Parents Comment
certificate_configuration_id uuid false public.certificate_configurations
created_at timestamp with time zone now() false Timestamp when the record was created.
deleted_at timestamp with time zone true Timestamp when the record was deleted. If null, the record is not deleted.
id uuid uuid_generate_v4() false A unique, stable identifier for the record.
name_on_certificate varchar(512) false The name displayed on the certificate.
updated_at timestamp with time zone now() false Timestamp when the record was last updated. The field is updated automatically by the set_timestamp trigger.
user_id uuid false public.users The user for which the certificate belongs to.
verification_id varchar(512) false An identifier that can be used to verify the validity of the certificate.


Name Type Definition
course_module_completion_certificates_pkey PRIMARY KEY PRIMARY KEY (id)
course_module_completion_certificates_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id)
course_module_completion_certificates_verification_id_key UNIQUE UNIQUE (verification_id)
generated_certificates_certificate_configuration_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY FOREIGN KEY (certificate_configuration_id) REFERENCES certificate_configurations(id)


Name Definition
course_module_completion_certificates_pkey CREATE UNIQUE INDEX course_module_completion_certificates_pkey ON public.generated_certificates USING btree (id)
course_module_completion_certificates_verification_id_key CREATE UNIQUE INDEX course_module_completion_certificates_verification_id_key ON public.generated_certificates USING btree (verification_id)



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