pub struct NewBucket {
Show 15 fields pub name: String, pub default_event_based_hold: Option<bool>, pub acl: Option<Vec<NewBucketAccessControl>>, pub default_object_acl: Option<Vec<NewDefaultObjectAccessControl>>, pub iam_configuration: Option<IamConfiguration>, pub encryption: Option<Encryption>, pub location: Location, pub website: Option<Website>, pub logging: Option<Logging>, pub versioning: Option<Versioning>, pub cors: Option<Vec<Cors>>, pub lifecycle: Option<Lifecycle>, pub labels: Option<HashMap<String, String>>, pub storage_class: Option<StorageClass>, pub billing: Option<Billing>,
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A model that can be used to insert new buckets into Google Cloud Storage.


§name: String

The name of the bucket. See the bucket naming guidelines for more information.

§default_event_based_hold: Option<bool>

Whether or not to automatically apply an eventBasedHold to new objects added to the bucket.

§acl: Option<Vec<NewBucketAccessControl>>

Access controls on the bucket, containing one or more BucketAccessControls resources. If iamConfiguration.uniformBucketLevelAccess.enabled is set to true, this field is omitted in responses, and requests that specify this field fail with a 400 Bad Request response.

§default_object_acl: Option<Vec<NewDefaultObjectAccessControl>>

Default access controls to apply to new objects when no ACL is provided. This list defines an entity and role for one or more DefaultObjectAccessControls resources. If iamConfiguration.uniformBucketLevelAccess.enabled is set to true, this field is omitted in responses, and requests that specify this field fail with a 400 Bad Request response.

§iam_configuration: Option<IamConfiguration>

The bucket’s IAM configuration.

§encryption: Option<Encryption>

Encryption configuration for a bucket.

§location: Location

The location of the bucket. Object data for objects in the bucket resides in physical storage within this region. Defaults to US. See Cloud Storage bucket locations for the authoritative list.

§website: Option<Website>

The bucket’s website configuration, controlling how the service behaves when accessing bucket contents as a web site. See the Static Website Examples for more information.

§logging: Option<Logging>

The bucket’s logging configuration, which defines the destination bucket and optional name prefix for the current bucket’s logs.

§versioning: Option<Versioning>

The bucket’s versioning configuration.

§cors: Option<Vec<Cors>>

The bucket’s Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) configuration.

§lifecycle: Option<Lifecycle>

The bucket’s lifecycle configuration. See lifecycle management for more information.

§labels: Option<HashMap<String, String>>

User-provided bucket labels, in key/value pairs.

§storage_class: Option<StorageClass>

The bucket’s default storage class, used whenever no storageClass is specified for a newly-created object. If storageClass is not specified when the bucket is created, it defaults to STANDARD. For more information, see storage classes.

§billing: Option<Billing>

The bucket’s billing configuration.

Trait Implementations§


impl Debug for NewBucket


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Default for NewBucket


fn default() -> NewBucket

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

impl PartialEq for NewBucket


fn eq(&self, other: &NewBucket) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl Serialize for NewBucket


fn serialize<__S>(&self, __serializer: __S) -> Result<__S::Ok, __S::Error>
where __S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl StructuralPartialEq for NewBucket

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more