Trait combine::error::ParseError

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pub trait ParseError<Item, Range, Position>: Sized + PartialEq {
    type StreamError: StreamError<Item, Range>;

Show 13 methods // Required methods fn empty(position: Position) -> Self; fn set_position(&mut self, position: Position); fn add(&mut self, err: Self::StreamError); fn set_expected<F>(self_: &mut Tracked<Self>, info: Self::StreamError, f: F) where F: FnOnce(&mut Tracked<Self>); fn is_unexpected_end_of_input(&self) -> bool; fn into_other<T>(self) -> T where T: ParseError<Item, Range, Position>; // Provided methods fn from_error(position: Position, err: Self::StreamError) -> Self { ... } fn position(&self) -> Position { ... } fn merge(self, other: Self) -> Self { ... } fn add_expected<E>(&mut self, info: E) where E: for<'s> ErrorInfo<'s, Item, Range> { ... } fn add_unexpected<E>(&mut self, info: E) where E: for<'s> ErrorInfo<'s, Item, Range> { ... } fn add_message<E>(&mut self, info: E) where E: for<'s> ErrorInfo<'s, Item, Range> { ... } fn clear_expected(&mut self) { ... }
Expand description

Trait which defines a combine parse error.

A parse error is composed of zero or more StreamError instances which gets added to it as errors are encountered during parsing.

Required Associated Types§


type StreamError: StreamError<Item, Range>

Required Methods§


fn empty(position: Position) -> Self

Constructs an empty error.

An empty error is expected to be cheap to create as it is frequently created and discarded.


fn set_position(&mut self, position: Position)

Sets the position of this ParseError


fn add(&mut self, err: Self::StreamError)

Adds a StreamError to self.

It is up to each individual error type to define what adding an error does, some may push it to a vector while others may only keep self or err to avoid allocation


fn set_expected<F>(self_: &mut Tracked<Self>, info: Self::StreamError, f: F)
where F: FnOnce(&mut Tracked<Self>),

Sets info as the only Expected error of self


fn is_unexpected_end_of_input(&self) -> bool


fn into_other<T>(self) -> T
where T: ParseError<Item, Range, Position>,

Does a best-effort conversion of self into another ParseError

Provided Methods§


fn from_error(position: Position, err: Self::StreamError) -> Self

Creates a ParseError from a single Self::StreamError


fn position(&self) -> Position


fn merge(self, other: Self) -> Self

Merges two errors. If they exist at the same position the errors of other are added to self (using the semantics of add). If they are not at the same position the error furthest ahead are returned, ignoring the other ParseError.


fn add_expected<E>(&mut self, info: E)
where E: for<'s> ErrorInfo<'s, Item, Range>,


fn add_unexpected<E>(&mut self, info: E)
where E: for<'s> ErrorInfo<'s, Item, Range>,


fn add_message<E>(&mut self, info: E)
where E: for<'s> ErrorInfo<'s, Item, Range>,


fn clear_expected(&mut self)

Removes any expected errors currently in self

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<Item, Range, Position> ParseError<Item, Range, Position> for combine::stream::easy::Error<Item, Range>
where Item: PartialEq, Range: PartialEq, Position: Default,


type StreamError = Error<Item, Range>


impl<Item, Range, Position> ParseError<Item, Range, Position> for combine::stream::read::Error
where Position: Default,


impl<Item, Range, Position> ParseError<Item, Range, Position> for StringStreamError
where Position: Default,


impl<Item, Range, Position> ParseError<Item, Range, Position> for UnexpectedParse
where Position: Default,


impl<Item, Range, Position> ParseError<Item, Range, Position> for Errors<Item, Range, Position>
where Item: PartialEq, Range: PartialEq, Position: Ord + Clone,


type StreamError = Error<Item, Range>