Type Alias combine::stream::StreamErrorFor

source ยท
pub type StreamErrorFor<Input> = <<Input as StreamOnce>::Error as ParseError<<Input as StreamOnce>::Token, <Input as StreamOnce>::Range, <Input as StreamOnce>::Position>>::StreamError;
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Convenience alias over the StreamError for the input stream Input

extern crate combine;
use combine::{easy, Parser, Stream, many1};
use combine::parser::char::letter;
use combine::stream::StreamErrorFor;
use combine::error::{ParseError, StreamError};

   fn parser[Input]()(Input) -> String
    where [ Input: Stream<Token = char>, ]
        many1(letter()).and_then(|word: String| {
            if word == "combine" {
            } else {
                // The alias makes it easy to refer to the `StreamError` type of `Input`

fn main() {