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Re-exports commonly used types for convenient use across the crate. Intended to be glob-imported like use crate::prelude::*;.



  • Essentials helper functions and types for application registration.


  • Includes the type’s JSON example and/or TypeScript definition generated by doc-file-generator as a string. Used with the helper macro from the doc-macro crate: #generated_doc


  • An incoming request.
  • An outgoing response.
  • The server-side implementation of multipart/form-data requests.
  • Represents the URL query parameters page and limit, used for paginating database queries.
  • A connection to a PostgreSQL database.
  • An asynchronous pool of SQLx database connections.
  • PostgreSQL database driver.
  • Enables parts of app configuration to be declared separately from the app itself. Helpful for modularizing large applications.
  • A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).


  • Helper struct to use with functions that insert data into the database.


  • The error types of this program all implement this trait for interoperability.
  • Represents a single database connection.
  • Provides the context method for Result.
  • A data structure that can be deserialized from any data format supported by Serde.
  • Allows storing files to a file storage backend.
  • A record that can be built from a row returned by the database.
  • A data structure that can be serialized into any data format supported by Serde.
  • Indicates that a SQL type is supported for a database.

Type Aliases

  • An alias for Pool, specialized for Postgres.

Derive Macros