Module lettre::transport::smtp

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The SMTP transport sends emails using the SMTP protocol.

This SMTP client follows RFC 5321, and is designed to efficiently send emails from an application to a relay email server, as it relies as much as possible on the relay server for sanity and RFC compliance checks.

It implements the following extensions:

SMTP Transport

This transport uses the SMTP protocol to send emails over the network (locally or remotely).

It is designed to be:

  • Secured: connections are encrypted by default
  • Modern: unicode support for email contents and sender/recipient addresses when compatible
  • Fast: supports connection reuse and pooling

This client is designed to send emails to a relay server, and should not be used to send emails directly to the destination server.

The relay server can be the local email server, a specific host or a third-party service.

Simple example

This is the most basic example of usage:

use lettre::{Message, SmtpTransport, Transport};

let email = Message::builder()
    .from("NoBody <nobody@domain.tld>".parse()?)
    .reply_to("Yuin <yuin@domain.tld>".parse()?)
    .to("Hei <hei@domain.tld>".parse()?)
    .subject("Happy new year")
    .body(String::from("Be happy!"))?;

// Create TLS transport on port 465
let sender = SmtpTransport::relay("")?.build();
// Send the email via remote relay
let result = sender.send(&email);

Example with authentication and connection pool:

use lettre::{
        authentication::{Credentials, Mechanism},
    Message, SmtpTransport, Transport,

let email = Message::builder()
    .from("NoBody <nobody@domain.tld>".parse()?)
    .reply_to("Yuin <yuin@domain.tld>".parse()?)
    .to("Hei <hei@domain.tld>".parse()?)
    .subject("Happy new year")
    .body(String::from("Be happy!"))?;

// Create TLS transport on port 587 with STARTTLS
let sender = SmtpTransport::starttls_relay("")?
    // Add credentials for authentication
    // Configure expected authentication mechanism
    // Connection pool settings

// Send the email via remote relay
let result = sender.send(&email);

You can specify custom TLS settings:

use lettre::{
    transport::smtp::client::{Tls, TlsParameters},
    Message, SmtpTransport, Transport,

let email = Message::builder()
    .from("NoBody <nobody@domain.tld>".parse()?)
    .reply_to("Yuin <yuin@domain.tld>".parse()?)
    .to("Hei <hei@domain.tld>".parse()?)
    .subject("Happy new year")
    .body(String::from("Be happy!"))?;

// Custom TLS configuration
let tls = TlsParameters::builder("".to_owned())

// Create TLS transport on port 465
let sender = SmtpTransport::relay("")?
    // Custom TLS configuration

// Send the email via remote relay
let result = sender.send(&email);


