pub trait ActorContext: Sized {
    // Required methods
    fn stop(&mut self);
    fn terminate(&mut self);
    fn state(&self) -> ActorState;
Expand description

Actor execution context.

Each actor runs within a specific execution context. The actor’s associated type Actor::Context defines the context to use for the actor, and must implement the ActorContext trait.

The execution context defines the type of execution, and the actor’s communication channels (message handling).

Required Methods§


fn stop(&mut self)

Immediately stop processing incoming messages and switch to a stopping state. This only affects actors that are currently running. Future attempts to queue messages will fail.


fn terminate(&mut self)

Terminate actor execution unconditionally. This sets the actor into the stopped state. This causes future attempts to queue messages to fail.


fn state(&self) -> ActorState

Retrieve the current Actor execution state.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<A> ActorContext for SyncContext<A>
where A: Actor<Context = Self>,


impl<A> ActorContext for Context<A>
where A: Actor<Context = Self>,